about facs - facs - Terminologie IV
Ausdrücke, die Kennzeichen der Haut beschreiben

Fältchen, Linie - nur an der Oberfläche. Bei einigen AUs Übergang zu wrinkles.
(A surface line with no depth, usually quite fine in terms of width. Some faces may show permanent surface lines; these may deepen to a wrinkle when certain actions occur)

Falte, Intensitätsunterschied zu line (stärker, tiefer und breiter).
( A line which has some depth and often has more width than a surface line; some faces may show no perma-nent wrinkles, but they will appear with certain actions. Other faces may show permanent wrinkles but they will deepen with certain actions)

Falten; Gesichtsregionen, in denen Falten auftreten können, z.B. Bereich unter den Augen, Bereich Nasenflügel bis Mundwinkel.
(This term describes a place on the face where certain wrinkles may appear: lower eyelid furrow; infraorbital furrow; or nasolabial furrow (see Figure 1-1). In some faces there is no wrinkle or line in such a facial loca-tion until there is action. Some faces show a line permanently, but it will deepen to a wrinkle with certain actions, e.g., some faces show a permanent line in the lower eyelid furrow, infraorbital furrow or nasolabial furrow, which will deepen with an action)

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Copyright ©2003, 2011 Prof. Dr. Frank Schwab, PD Dr. Dagmar Unz, Prof. Dr. Jörg Merten